by Team Mirrours

How to choose the right mirror for the entryway

How to choose the right mirror for the entryway

The entryway of your home welcomes guests and residents, often being the final stop for a quick mirror check before heading out to work or activities. It's a good spot to make those last-minute inspections to ensure everything looks right and as it should. Additionally, the entryway is usually where we get dressed, so surprisingly, the need for a mirror is quite frequent. A good mirror should be large enough to see oneself from head to toe. Nowadays, entryways often feature sliding door closets with glass instead of mirrors, but space constraints may make installing such an option impossible. That's why it's wise to consider acquiring an appropriate mirror for the entryway. When choosing the right mirror, practical aspects should be taken into account.

1. Get a sufficiently large mirror

Nothing is as frustrating as only being able to see your face or just the upper part of your body in the mirror. In the entryway, the mirror should be tall and wide enough for a full view from head to toe. You'll be able to see if your coat fits well, check your hair, or see if your shoes match the outfit.

2. Consider the practicality of the mirror

The entryway is crucial for the whole family's dressing routine. It needs to be practical rather than merely a decorative mirror that fits the interior design. A practical mirror can also be beautiful and a part of home decor. Think about your daily life and how you would use the mirror and what needs to be visible. This largely determines its ultimate purpose.

3. Also, think about your guests

Your home's guests might not necessarily use the mirror in your bedroom but usually check their appearance in the entryway when arriving and leaving. Therefore, when choosing an entryway mirror, it's essential to consider practicality for guests as well.

4. Mirror adds a sense of space and openness

Especially large mirror surfaces create a sense of space in confined areas and also reflect light. Hence, the entryway is an excellent place for a good-sized mirror that complements your home's interior. Mirrors often transform small and gloomy spaces into surprisingly spacious ones. Thus, we recommend a substantial mirror surface for narrow spaces that is both striking and practical.

5.Secure the mirror properly

The entryway involves a lot of handling of clothes and items, so it's crucial to ensure the mirror is securely fastened. With things being carried in and out, especially a large mirror might sometimes encounter hits from objects. Poorly secured mirrors in tight spaces can be hazardous. Ensure the mirror is securely attached to the wall, either by drilling or other sturdy means.


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