FAQ - Frequently asked questions are designed to help you find answers to the questions you have in mind. If you don't find an answer here, please don't hesitate to ask anything.
Questions & Answers


Are there different sizes/colors available?

Yes, our products come in various sizes/colors. You can view the options on the product page.

How do I place an order?

To place an order, simply add the product to your cart and proceed to checkout.

What payment methods do you accept?

We accept major credit cards, bank online payments, debit and credit cards, invoice and installment services, as well as mobile payment methods. Our payments methods are Visa, Master, Maestro, Amex, Paypal, Unionpay, Apple Pay, Shopify Pay, Google Pay, OmaSp, Danske Bank, Nordea, Pivo, Mobilepay, Klarna, Handelsbanken, POP-pankki, Aktia, OP, S-Pankki and Säästöpankki.

How long will it take for my order to arrive?

Typically, orders are delivered within 5-21 business days. In some mirror models like Muatoa estimated delivery time can be 3-4 weeks.

Can I track my order?

Yes, once your order is shipped, you'll receive a tracking number via email.

Do you ship internationally?

You can choose best products for you, where ever you are in Europe. We can also ship world wide, ask more from our customer service.

What is your return policy?

We have a 14-day return policy. If you're not satisfied, you can return the product within that period.

How do I return a product?

To return a product contact our customer service for a return label.

How long does it take to process a refund?

Refunds are processed within 7-10 business days.

Can I exchange a product?

Yes, product exchanges are possible. Please contact our customer service for assistance.

Are your products certified?

Yes, our products are CE-certified.

Do your products comply with local regulations?

Our products comply with all local and international regulations.

How can I contact customer service?

You can contact our customer service by contact form or via email info@mirrours.com.

I have feedback about a product. Where can I share it?

Please share your feedback via our contact form or via email info@mirrours.com.

How do I join the loyalty program?

Joining is easy! Simply sign up on our website.

Are there any ongoing promotions or discounts?

Check our main page for the latest deals and discounts.

I can't find the product I'm looking for. What should I do?

Don't worry; we're here to help! If you can't find the product you're looking for on our website, please feel free to contact our customer service via contact form or via email info@mirrours.com. Let us know what product you're searching for, and we'll do our best to assist you in finding the right product for your needs.


We are happy to answer your questions, whether it was about ordering a product, delivery or product information. Reach out to us by contact form or via email info@mirrours.com

Please provide as much detail as possible so we can best assist you. All fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required. We value your privacy and ensure your information will not be shared with third parties. If you have any specific questions or concerns, especially about a specific product, please mention them in the message box. Our team aims to respond to all inquiries within 48 hours. By submitting this form, you agree to our terms of service and privacy policy. Thank you for reaching out to us; we look forward to assisting you.