by Team Mirrours

In what way to position a mirror correctly?

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Placing a mirror in a space correctly requires some planning and visualizing the available area. While the designated spot might work practically, other factors like lighting, everyday use, or how it complements other furniture and decor might necessitate further adjustments. Here are some tips for placing a mirror:

1. Check the wall material

If the mirror is heavy, consider that a plasterboard wall might yield to the weight of the mirror over time. Behind the plasterboard, there should be a stud or wood for a much safer attachment. Before installation, you can locate wood by tapping or using a specialized device. Proper placement is crucial to prevent accidental falls.

2. Secure the mirror properly

Attaching a mirror to a concrete wall typically requires drilling or other hooks. It's wise to ensure that large mirror surfaces are firmly secured. Before buying a mirror, make sure you can properly mount it when your new and lovely mirror arrives in the mail.

3. Overall harmony

Consider the entirety and try to visualize how the mirror fits well with the rest of the decor, functioning harmoniously in the chosen space. A well-chosen mirror can complement your living room or bedroom, elevating the interior design.

4. Lighting and natural light

A mirror can bring light into a space and create a sense of openness through reflections. When selecting or considering the placement of the mirror, also factor in the light flooding through windows, fixtures, or spotlights, and how they interact near the mirror within the space.

5. Purpose

Perhaps the most crucial aspect in choosing a mirror is its purpose. Will the mirror serve practical daily use, such as for grooming, or is it meant to be a visual accent as part of your home decor? Once this decision is made, you can delve deeper into considering the aforementioned essential considerations.

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